Design and illustration studio of Nathan McDonald: branding specialist and Certified StoryBrand Guide


Editorial illustrations for church blog

Editorial illustrations for church blog

I worked with journalist Jim Killam to create a series of illustrations for a local church blog. Each one depicts the main concept of the various stories.

Bridging boundaries

Bridging boundaries

The Campbell family continues to invest in the spiritual health of Rockford’s historic Midtown neighborhood—their neighborhood.

Read story by Jim Killam.

Mickey Mouse only real when shared

Mickey Mouse only real when shared

A solo trip to the Magic place served as a reminder: We’re not designed to experience life alone. We thrive when we live life in community.

Read story by Jim Killam.

Ascending Manitou

Ascending Manitou

She asked God for a sign. She got a lot more than that.

Read story by Jim Killam.

Neighbor Songs

Neighbor Songs

Neighbor Songs by The Porter’s Gate connect with our life experiences and communities, and stir up our stories as God’s family.

Read story by Nathan McDonald.